
Showing posts from May, 2012

So call me maybe.

What's new? I'm doing honours degree now. Admitted (admitted?seriously Ummu your vocab...) on 5/3 hari tu. I'm practically taken aback. I was quite lost.  Evidence. Advance criminal. Advance Civil. Forensic Evidence. Criminal trial advocacy, Solicitors account. BM laras Undang2. Remedies under contract tort and bankruptcy. Non contentious legal matters where actual file is given to you for probate and conveyancing matters.  Recently engaged the next day after Bersih 3.0. Quite surprise myself it goes smoothly. I just.. I don't mind the workload. Seriously. Tapi bila study, and when I sit for the test and it didn't go quite well, quite? It's  just wrong, argument mcm smpah, law berterabur, case tak ingat... What the? Takde alasan untuk berjaya.  Tiada. Oh, for some good reason I purposely deleted my previous entry. It's crap without any basis.  *Tajuk takde kene ngene dgn entr...