
Showing posts from November, 2013

General view. Which means, it's general. Not specifically about anyone. Or you for that matter.

Sometimes, it's okay to be vulnerable. Then we would learn to be gentler to ourselves and to other ppl. I think it's okay for people to change. We've change because we learnt from mistakes. And changing from something bad is good.  Admitting that we are wrong is always something which is hard to do. We've been camouflaged by ego and stupidity. We wanted to be look as the victim rather than the predator. Well that's fine. Because one fine day, we will realize that it doesn't do us any good. It ruins us within and wrecks us from the inside. Its not really the issue whether it's too late or not, the thing is, we realized. and that's the whole point of it. # if we are wrong, we are wrong. There's no two way about it.


Aku buat sesuatu yang random dkt office beberapa hari lepas. Mood dekat office a bit gloomy and quiet for a few days. Just to cheer things up, aku jalan depan staff dan aku saje buat2 terjatuh, as in trip kain sendiri.  And they laugh like hell.  Made my day.