
Showing posts from 2014

Geli Jeli

Geli-geli je drama dkt tv sekarang. "Hi, eh.. You ni Azman kan? Anak Tan Sri Rahim?" "mana you kenal I?" "sape yang tak kenal u, self made millionaire" "(gelak) by the way, I'm Azman. Nice meeting u." "Im sophie. Tan sri Khalid's daughter." Drama melayu asyik berkisar anak tan sri. Dunia korporat. Cinta lagha. Pfftt. Tak habis2 diperbodohkan bangsa sendiri. ** Nak kate mende.. Aku sendiri tengok drama Ariana Rose tu. Pffftt dekat aku. hah.

Suicide Note

Silapnya kita ni tak berkesah tentang orang. Kalau kita nampak kawan-kawan kita murung.. Tak ceria.. Ringankanlah mulut untuk bertanya samada dia okay atau tidak. Ape susah sgt ke nak jadi manusia prihatin tentang org lain? Kita fikir, biarkanlah dia, nanti dia dah sejuk dia okay la tu. Kepala hotak kau. Itu sebab Robin Williams bunuh diri. Dia senyum tak bermakna dia okay Dia gelak tak bermakna dia okay. Dia okay tak bermakna dia okay. Kalau kwn kita kuat iman alhamdulillah. Kalau tak? Berapa ramai org bunuh diri sbb tekanan ni. Salah satu sebab ialah masyarakat tak berkesah. Depression is a silent killer. And we contribute to the death of our friends. Shame.

Fond Memories :')

During my primary years, (Darjah 1 kalau tak silap), I was constantly being victimized by bullies.  They don’t like me because I’m poor. I know it’s stupid but children back in the old days are kind of stupid too in a way. There’s this girl, name Kay, really hates me. She really despised me and always on constant routine of tormenting my life at school. There’s also one time, she dragged me towards her sister, while her sister seated on a wooden chair while her left and right shoulder is her friend standing, acted like her bodyguard, and angrily asking me kenapa kacau adik dia. I have never done a thing to her!! None! Nil! Zit!!! One day during recess period, I was waiting my turn to buy snacks at the canteen while everybody was pushing each other to go through up front. Essentially, while waiting (while others beside me were pushing like hell) I felt a sharp pulled of my tudung behind my back by someone. Aku toleh belakang. I don’t even turned all the way but ...

Bona Fide.

"Mi, saya kalau stress, untuk positifkan balik diri, saya akan pikir gini, hidup ni sementara. Apa yang jadi dekat kita sekarang nie sebenarnya tak bermakna ape2 pun. Sekadar nak sedapkan hati. "yelah tapi masalahnya, walaupun hidup ni sementara, tapi kita yang nak lalui perkara yang menyakitkan tu setiap hari, sakit ummu."   **aku diam. Ape lagi pilihan yang aku ada selain dari bbaik sangka..? p/s: missing u Ummi Sulaim.


Sometimes in relationship, people get real comfortable.  And they forget that they can be replace. In a minute. So right now, this is your opportunity, to imagine whoever that is in your mind, and give him a piece of your mind. I want you to tell them, To the left, to the left.

Magna Carta; friendship.

Its amazing I'm in this maze with you, I just can't crack your code. One day you screaming you love me loud, the next day you're so cold. One day you're here, one day you're there, one day u care, you're so unfair.                                        sipping from your cup till it runneth over.


kalau ada duit lebih boleh tgk 47 Ronin dkt panggung. kalau ada duit lebih boleh beli dress dkt times. kalau ada duit lebih boleh beli white macadamia dkt secret. kalau ada duit lebih boleh order lebih dari 3 helai baju punjabi. kalau ada duit lebih boleh pegi bcuti dekat pulau hijau krabi. . . . . . . . . soalnya, aku sengkek gila bulan ni.


Aku teliti satu2 pendapat orang ramai. macam2 tohmahan. mcm2 pendapat. satu saat aku menyirap nak bagi pendapat sama. baru taip separuh ayat, aku skrol ke bawah lagi. baca lagi pendapat2 lain. aku terus tekan butang padam. tak terlawan aku manusia2 bodoh seperti ini.  bodoh tak boleh diajar. sombong tak boleh dibentuk. baik aku minum kopi.