Fond Memories :')

During my primary years, (Darjah 1 kalau tak silap), I was constantly being victimized by bullies.  They don’t like me because I’m poor. I know it’s stupid but children back in the old days are kind of stupid too in a way.

There’s this girl, name Kay, really hates me. She really despised me and always on constant routine of tormenting my life at school.

There’s also one time, she dragged me towards her sister, while her sister seated on a wooden chair while her left and right shoulder is her friend standing, acted like her bodyguard, and angrily asking me kenapa kacau adik dia.

I have never done a thing to her!! None! Nil! Zit!!!

One day during recess period, I was waiting my turn to buy snacks at the canteen while everybody was pushing each other to go through up front.

Essentially, while waiting (while others beside me were pushing like hell) I felt a sharp pulled of my tudung behind my back by someone.

Aku toleh belakang. I don’t even turned all the way but slightly from the corner of my eye I can see who.

It’s her.

Aku panic gila waktu tu. Aku sakit perut. And I was calculating a plan. Instead of getting jumped up, aku sabar and I just said, “ Ey jangan lah tolak2.”

Heard of my respond, Kay repeat the same act and I simply said the same thing “ Ey jgnlah tolak2.. beraturlah..”

Quite a number of times Kay repeated the same act and I repeated the same answer.. Until… aku dah dapat beli makanan yang aku nak.. hbs je byr I just pushed out everyone since semua org berebut2 nak beli makanan and that girl Kay move forward to buy her own.

I go behind her back, gather up my courage plus a long, deep, rooted anger and I took a long, deep breath, dan aku tarik tudung dia pulak sekuat2 hati aku. And I really2 tarik sekuat hati. Kepala Kay tertarik ke belakang dan badan dia pun terdorong ke belakang sekali, dan jatuh!

Ya allah! I ran like mad naik tangga heading upstairs, 4th floor to my class and I was screaming my head off!!! It was a scream of relieved and fear at the same time since she was catching up with me to beat me!

Aku menjerit macam orang gila sambil berlari naik tangga, almost tesungkur and almost trip my kain sekolah sampai tingkat 4! 
Aku lari masuk kelas dan terus duduk belakang ustazah. When she reached upstairs, dia xberani nak masuk kelas aku since aku duduk belakang Ustazah.

I can still remember, from that day on, 
she never,
bullies me again.


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