
Showing posts from 2012


I come across this ad. I believe. And I chose to practice it.

Well and Good.

I'm having a great headache. Most probably because of sleep deprivation and lack of rest and lack of fun and lack of weekends and lack of so many things. I don't think I need a break at the moment because at this point of time the hardship thrills me. I just finish my Evidence test this morning where on a shame point I missed my good friend solemnization ceremony this morning due to the test. The usual routine. Files to be submit. Trials to be attend. Cases to be read. Formal letter to be advise. And that just concluded everything. I wanted to commit to something else but I just can't right now. I haven't read any good books. Just recently my lecturer asked me upon seeing Sidney Sheldon's on my desk, "Who's reading Sidney Sheldon? You? You have time to read that?" I gave him a weak smile. No I don't have time to read that book. Any reading material which is non-legal related is not on top of my cherry right now. The b...

It's like the wind. You can't see it. But you can feel it.

One fine day. "You shouldn't u know.." "Why not? Why is it so hard for u?" "I don't expect this, I mean us to happened.." "What actually happened? Is it wrong for it to happen..?" "I can't commit.." "Please tell me why..?!" "Because I can't trust myself when I'm with you.."


He gives another smile, tries to understand her side.  To show that he cares.  She's consumed with everything that's been going on. Preoccupied, she's afraid. He doesn't know what to say. So he prays; "Whatever happens, don't you let go of my hand."

Wise Punch.

"Akak, kenapa akak xletak gambar akak dekat Facebook?" tanya aku smbil makan coki2 org punya. "Xdelah Ummu.. Akak wajib jaga nama baik suami akak. Memang xsalah letak gmbr muka kita. Tapi bagi akak seorang perempuan muslimah dia tak expose diri dia sgt dekat org. Sesape je boleh view gambar akak. Itu semua termasuk dalam menjaga maruah. Tambah pulak akak dah bersuami tapi lelaki lain duk ralit menengok gambar akak. Itu kan dah defeat purpose kita sebagai wanita muslim Ummu." kata  firmate ku sambil sibuk mencari Criminal Procedure Code. "Oh….." coki2 yang daku makan terjatuh diatas lantai dan kemudian disapu oleh Senior partner ku yg tetibe rajin-bebeno-menyapu lantai. 1 - 0.

Peace of Cake.

In my mind, I beat you to dust. And for what? The pain u gave me? The sorrows that you paint? The humiliation that you portrayed? The grief you penetrate? You, my dear, Are not on the right track. Your simple words just don’t move me.  ur minor.  I'm major. You have just run out of ammunition. You're shooting blanks now, you son of a gun.


"I'm always here." Once, you said to me when I'm in need. I hold on to those words when in fact your action was against it. Once. Twice. Thrice. Pointless. I should have hung my faith and wrap it for the ONE and only. but instead I'm giving it to you and you crush it.  Oi. Sedar diri. I'm an ant. You're the bully. That’s just what it is. End of story.

What makes you different; makes you beautiful.

So far alarm iphone tak menyakitkan hati. Pelik juga aku. Senang pulak nak bangun bila dgr alarm bbunyi.  Fon Nokia? Allah.. Aku snooze 88x.

Cairnya Lilin.

I'm emotional. cepat tersentuh bila mana manusia menabur budi dekat aku. Nak cakap dekat sini, aku hargai segala ilmu yang pensyarah2 aku berikan. Terpancar segala keikhlasan mrk bila mengajar. Bersungguh2 sampai satu tahap aku rasa ak ni tak layak dapat pensyarah sebaik mereka. "How are you?" "Fine alhamdulillah Dr. How are you?" "demam sikit. Tgklah ubat saya, segenggam. You're doing good?" "Im doing good Dr. thank u for asking.." "anything I can help you with?" "Actually.. %*(*()()#@!)*^^%" (aku malas nak bgtau ape yg aku cerita dkt dia. Basically pasal belajar. "I see. Okay I'll help you." "For the purpose of your exam, Mareva Injunction, Anton Piller order and arrest and attachment definitely will come out." "How should we go about it sir?" "You have to discuss what is Mareva, if the question concerns of mareva.. In terms of your question, the ...

In all fairness, you did warn me right.

As much as I try to convince that it is not worth it.. They keep on stumble doing the same mistake. As much as I try to shield them from pain.. They end up cutting the edge of their own bruises. As much responsible I feel to protect, they keep on slipping from my grip. As much as I tore because of the pain they suffer.. they are blind to appreciate.  That dark force is slipping right through you.. And I can no longer save you.  Not that I can't. Now, I refused to.  **Novel reality yang tak berkesudahan**

The Messenger.

I've been watching a spiritual series called Law Ka Na Bainana or if Beloved Muhammad is with us, which tells us about the good traits and a life journey of Nabi Muhamad s.a.w. I'm sure everybody is aware of that series since it was a hit now. Bila tgk series tu xbhenti2 rasa menyesal dgn segala salah silap dgn manusia.. Dengan mak ayah.. dengan adik beradik.. dgn kawan2.. I've been thinking hard and I've decided to make a baby steps in improving certain things in life..  BTW, nak share one of the episodes here.  Begitu tingginya tingkah laku Nabi Muhamad s.a.w. Hubungan baginda bukan hanya antara manusia yang ada disekelilingnya. Tetapi memiliki hubungan dengan haiwan dan benda yang tidak bernyawa. Tentang perkara ini, Nabi Muhamad SAW memberi nama kepada binatang dan barang miliknya. Seperti, unta nya diberi nama Qaswa. Baginda mempunyai seekor baghal yang bernama Doldol. Seekor keldai yang bernama Ya'fur. Nabi juga memiliki seekor kuda berwarna peran...

Burn it to the ground.

Ehem. This post, might, (to some of you) make you smile or rather, yes! finally Ummu! despite I've deleted this blog without mercy before. I've been through quite a hell during this first LLb semester. Failing is a common thing in LLb. Staying up late is another part. Crisis with firmates is a hell of another syllabus. I'm too kind. People don't just step on my head, they sit on them. Harsh, but true indeed.  Disclaimer: Uip Izzati Asri, kalau aku satu firm dgn kmu dulu, I'll ease your burden as a Senior Partner.  I've just finished my finals. Started with Evidence. Then Advanced Criminal Procedure. Advanced Civil Procedure. BM and Remedies under Tort, Contract and Bankruptcy. As much fancy as it sounds, the subjects aren't that fancy. I've learnt a great lesson during LLb. Life is a serious matter, particularly at what I'm doing right now.  Yet, aku still tak boleh balik lagi. I'm having a trial this upcoming Sunday and Monday. As a P...

So call me maybe.

What's new? I'm doing honours degree now. Admitted (admitted?seriously Ummu your vocab...) on 5/3 hari tu. I'm practically taken aback. I was quite lost.  Evidence. Advance criminal. Advance Civil. Forensic Evidence. Criminal trial advocacy, Solicitors account. BM laras Undang2. Remedies under contract tort and bankruptcy. Non contentious legal matters where actual file is given to you for probate and conveyancing matters.  Recently engaged the next day after Bersih 3.0. Quite surprise myself it goes smoothly. I just.. I don't mind the workload. Seriously. Tapi bila study, and when I sit for the test and it didn't go quite well, quite? It's  just wrong, argument mcm smpah, law berterabur, case tak ingat... What the? Takde alasan untuk berjaya.  Tiada. Oh, for some good reason I purposely deleted my previous entry. It's crap without any basis.  *Tajuk takde kene ngene dgn entr...

Ignorance Is Your New Best Friend.

Where's your gavel?  Your jury?  What's my offence this time?  You're not a judge but if you gonna judge me; Well, sentence me to another life.