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Showing posts from 2013
General view. Which means, it's general. Not specifically about anyone. Or you for that matter.
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Sometimes, it's okay to be vulnerable. Then we would learn to be gentler to ourselves and to other ppl. I think it's okay for people to change. We've change because we learnt from mistakes. And changing from something bad is good. Admitting that we are wrong is always something which is hard to do. We've been camouflaged by ego and stupidity. We wanted to be look as the victim rather than the predator. Well that's fine. Because one fine day, we will realize that it doesn't do us any good. It ruins us within and wrecks us from the inside. Its not really the issue whether it's too late or not, the thing is, we realized. and that's the whole point of it. # if we are wrong, we are wrong. There's no two way about it.
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Tuhan itu mentarbiah kita melalui banyak cara. Dan aku sgt tersentuh dengan tarbiah itu. This courier guy, name Rajan, works 2 jobs to support his family. Pagi kerja hantar document, then pagi2 buta pkl 3 mcm tu bgn hantar surat khabar. Nak jadi cerita, dia accident masa hantar surat khabar pkl 3 pg tu. Mujur injuries tak fatal.Tapi luka teruk jugak. Dekat muka, kaki dgn tangan. Yang buat terkejutnya tu, esok nya still dtg kerja. Muka, tgn dan kaki berbalut. Tanya dia knp sakit datang kerja, dia kata xpelah, siket saje, and the worst part is, that bloody management tak bagi cuti. Sangat baik budi . Senyum, very down to earth. Bila tgk dia dtg collect document, rasa sedih. Susah payah bekerja untuk cari rezeki. Jangan kata merungut, marah pun tidak this Rajan guy. Walaupun berlainan agama, dalam diam aku doa moga dia mendapat hidayah dan mendapat rezeki melimpah ruah atas baik pekertinya tu. Syukur Ya Allah.. Kita masih senang. Ape sgt kesusahan kita nie....
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My personal view is that, there's no such thing as Hijabista. Islam is about being modest or moderate. Heavy make ups, urban style do's of wearing headscarf, striking colours of cloth which lures the attention of men, designer bags are few examples. I seriously think that wearing headscarf with a large hoops of earrings sticking out from both your ears is not beautiful. Its neither cool. Or is it? In that circumstances, mana kesederhanaanya? I believe a lot of people opines the same with me. Bukan sebab cemburu atau being obnoxiously judgmental, it's just that, it is wrong in every way. Of course there's nothing wrong with being modern. But to what extent we have to make a sacrifice just for the sake of trends and modern? You can never catch up with the modern world cause at some point later, wearing headscarf might not be relevant anymore according to the current trends (walhal menutup aurat ni termaktub dalam Al-Qura'an, specifically Surah A...
Caca Marba.
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I've read an article about one thing that Jennifer Aniston wouldn't let Justin Theroux keep in their home. The thing is, it's either I'm plain dumb or the article is a complete rubbish. Tak faham. Hence, tak jumpa mana barang yang dimaksudkan dalam article tersebut. OTH, I'm in the office. Ngantuk gila seyh. Tak pernah2 ngantuk mcm ni. Makan banyak plak tu. Asyik lapar pulak. Kejadah nya... My short call is on 9th October. To my fan, take a note (hehh). I'll be seeing you guys at Court Duta.
Besi Berani.
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Pagi. Kolam air panas bahagian wanita. Baru nak cecah kaki. Satu family cina datang. Malangnya suami dia pun ikut sekali masuk di bahagian wanita. Let me tell you, org tgh tukar baju. tak pakai tudung. Bahagian lelaki disediakan disebelah tempat wanita dihadang dgn pendinding. "Hi , I'm very sorry to interrupt you, Uncle, tmpt lelaki belah sana. Sini tempat perempuan uncle…" "Kami tak buat ape, kami makan saja.." (wife sounds annoyed) "I'm verry sorry uncle, bukan ape, org perempuan mau mandi, buka baju, you nampak, takda baiklah uncle…" "aiyahhhhh.. Sorry2.. Banyak sorry haaa..sorry.." (tersenyum malu tapi manis) "takpe uncle. Thanks uncle." (aku senyum jugak) Aku berperang dgn diri sendiri sebelum nak berterus-terang. Berterus-terang perlu berani. Aku tidak seberani itu. Tapi.. Ada satu semangat menolak aku. Keberanian itu kalau tidak didatangkan dari Allah, aku akui, aku akan berdiam diri....
Regional, Regular, Know-It-All.
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I've been meaning to say this for a very long time. Belajar beradab. Bila kawan2 kita sedang bercakap, dengar dulu sampai habis. Sekalipun mahu potong, show some respect by saying sorry or excuse yourself to speak. Itu pesanan Rasullullah s.a.w. Jangan main langgar je. Buruk tahu tak? Buruk. Kita disayangi atas dasar kita hormat kan org itu. Bukan sbb kita tabur duit dekat dia. Tahu? Ape motifnya kalau setiap kali berjumpa asyik mendengarkan kisah kita sahaja. Habis, mana waktu kita untuk dengar luahan atau perkhabaran terbaru tentang sahabat kita pulak? How about your life? Ape khabar terbaru? Macamna keluarga? Belajar okay? Dgr cerita dekan hari tu, siap dapat skrol emas lg yu alls, pls, spill me every details! Tak susah pun kan? Bukanya mbebel pasal diri sendiri smpai jadi selfish gitu. I just hate being in that circle. In that companion. Bila kita cuba bercakap, lontarkan pendapat, perkataan kita dipotong terus tanpa ucap perkataan maaf atau pun minta izin untuk...