personal view is that, there's no such thing as Hijabista. Islam is about being
modest or moderate.
make ups, urban style do's of wearing
headscarf, striking colours of cloth which lures the attention of men,
designer bags are few examples.
seriously think that wearing headscarf with a large hoops of earrings sticking out from both your ears is
not beautiful. Its neither cool.
Or is it?
In that
circumstances, mana kesederhanaanya? I believe a lot of people opines the same
with me. Bukan sebab cemburu atau being obnoxiously judgmental, it's just that,
it is wrong in every way.
Of course
there's nothing wrong with being modern. But to what extent we have to make a
sacrifice just for the sake of trends and modern? You can never catch up with
the modern world cause at some point later, wearing headscarf might not be
relevant anymore according to the current trends (walhal menutup aurat ni
termaktub dalam Al-Qura'an, specifically Surah An-Nisa)
when that time comes, we as a muslimah, do we uncover ourselves by following
the current social trends?
women nowadays have been clearly disoriented by the mass media from the true
perspective of being a muslim. We've been fed everyday through the social media
that wearing this sort of cloth or following such style as being a modern muslim is cool.
did we realise it is actually eating us inside.
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