Caca Marba.
I've read an article about one thing that Jennifer Aniston wouldn't let Justin Theroux keep in their home. The thing is, it's either I'm plain dumb or the article is a complete rubbish.
Tak faham.
Hence, tak jumpa mana barang yang dimaksudkan dalam article tersebut.
OTH, I'm in the office. Ngantuk gila seyh. Tak pernah2 ngantuk mcm ni. Makan banyak plak tu. Asyik lapar pulak. Kejadah nya...
My short call is on 9th October. To my fan, take a note (hehh). I'll be seeing you guys at Court Duta.
tak perlu gi mahkamah la puan, just tepon mahkamah tya paper saya in order tak, then e file draf perintah;)