
Showing posts from December, 2010

Up until now I have sworn with myself that I'm content.. with loneliness.

I always appreciate good lyrics. And yes, I also love to used it as a title for my entry.. =) this one up there is from Paramore. Guess what song? =) Anyway I also enjoyed reading quotes from famous people and even unknown quotes. One of my favorites is, "success is achieved by ordinary man who works extra ordinary hard". Simply wicked.


Waktu sekolah dulu adalah zaman gelap aku.. Boleh kira lah berapa kali aku rasa gembira. The rest selalunya xbersemangat. Aku dulu budak art, jadi, budak art ni selalunya org xpandanglah kan. Motif org nak pandang? Science mainstream mmg dipuja2 gitu. Jadi aku selalu rasa rendah diri dgn diri sendiri. Aku perlukan support dr kawan aku tp aku xde kawan yang nak menyupport aku nih. Dan aku selalu mharapkan kawan yang baik.. Yang kalau aku sedih, dia ad.. Susah pn dia ada. Tapi aku tak pernah ada kawan macam tu waktu sekolah. Aku ada kawan baik tp sifat2 yang aku harapkan dalam diri kawan aku tu tak ada.. Semuanya macam kera. Heheh. Aku pernah tanya mak aku, gini le lebih kurang, "ummi, bila boleh kaklong dapat kawan yang baik macam kaklong harapkan tu..mmg xkan ada eh ummi..?" mak aku pn jawab lebih krg gini, "ada kaklong. Allah tak jumpakan je lagi." Aku selalu bdoa supaya allah temukan cepat aku dgn sahabat yang lama dah aku tunggu. Lepas habis spm, aku dapat tawa...


To my little sister, Nur Alifah Asyirah, and my little brother, Muhammad Iskandar Zulkarnain, I would like to congratulate you guys for your results in PMR and UPSR. Aku tak tau mcmn korang belajar but it seems that your hard work has been paid. So keep it up. Even though dalam keadaan kita susah, you both still manage to get good results despite all those hardship that you're both going through. Both of you are one tough bird. Both of u deserve to be celebrated, however, since I'm flat broke, I have nothing to offer you both as a token or gifts, but here's the thing, I will give you a treat once I get the money. Keep it up keep it up keep it up! I'm proud of you. Even though sometimes you guys annoys me.. Huu =)  

Brick by boring brick

Kak Jiyah's wedding was a success last Saturday. Org ramai gila even dh petang pn masih ada ramai lg yg datang. After maghrib me and ky was exhausted, we both slept early. Nak disingkatkan cerita pagi isnin kak jiyah hantar dgn hubby nya together with Ati and Kakyah. Seriously I love being part weddings. Reason? Your picture will be all over spread in everyone's camera. You get to become a photographer urself. I'm not a photographer freak but it's in my blood. U get to eat everything before and after the wedding! Goodies, goodies, goodies! Lots of goodies! U get to know all the relatives side of the bride or groom. And most importantly, the feeling of contentment for being able to help, to make the wedding a success. Priceless. Note: aku suka letak tajuk yang tak bsabit atau yang takde kena mengena dgn entry yang aku cerita. Btw, tu tajuk lagu Paramore cause currently I was listening to it.. :) 

Random facts.

I always enjoy reading other bloggers entry telling their random facts about themselves. So I decided to jot down mine.. :) I have problems spelling the right word for 'masalah'. Instead I will write like this, 'masaalah'. Bila buat karangan BM masa sekolah dulu, Cikgu will always circle that word. I have nicknames at home. They will usually called me Gelung, (which konon2 nya rhymes with kaklong). Or kaklongkak or kaklongkang. I have this problem, which I cannot stop.. Sgt suka menyakat adik2.. I just can’t fricking stop! They will usually cry or yelled at me for disturbing them..hehe. like I care :) I hate people which are so judgmental. It really annoys me. Xkesahlah samaada judgmental terhadap sesuatu perkara or person especially. It's just sickening I can even hate that person. I enjoyed reading books especially JK Rowling. Baca buku dia rasa macam makan coklat. Tak tipu. Sinc...