Brick by boring brick

Kak Jiyah's wedding was a success last Saturday. Org ramai gila even dh petang pn masih ada ramai lg yg datang. After maghrib me and ky was exhausted, we both slept early. Nak disingkatkan cerita pagi isnin kak jiyah hantar dgn hubby nya together with Ati and Kakyah. Seriously I love being part weddings. Reason?

  1. Your picture will be all over spread in everyone's camera.
  2. You get to become a photographer urself. I'm not a photographer freak but it's in my blood.
  3. U get to eat everything before and after the wedding!
  4. Goodies, goodies, goodies! Lots of goodies!
  5. U get to know all the relatives side of the bride or groom.

And most importantly, the feeling of contentment for being able to help, to make the wedding a success. Priceless.

Note: aku suka letak tajuk yang tak bsabit atau yang takde kena mengena dgn entry yang aku cerita. Btw, tu tajuk lagu Paramore cause currently I was listening to it.. :) 


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