Random facts.
- I have problems spelling the right word for 'masalah'. Instead I will write like this, 'masaalah'. Bila buat karangan BM masa sekolah dulu, Cikgu will always circle that word.
I always enjoy reading other bloggers entry telling their random facts about themselves. So I decided to jot down mine.. :)
- I have nicknames at home. They will usually called me Gelung, (which konon2 nya rhymes with kaklong). Or kaklongkak or kaklongkang.
- I have this problem, which I cannot stop.. Sgt suka menyakat adik2.. I just can’t fricking stop! They will usually cry or yelled at me for disturbing them..hehe. like I care :)
- I hate people which are so judgmental. It really annoys me. Xkesahlah samaada judgmental terhadap sesuatu perkara or person especially. It's just sickening I can even hate that person.
- I enjoyed reading books especially JK Rowling. Baca buku dia rasa macam makan coklat. Tak tipu.
- Since I'm in love with Rowlings books, I also happened to enjoyed the movies. Expecto, patronum!!!!!
- I'm not stingy. Setakat belanja, belikan hadiah, it's my nature.. Tambah2 org tu special bg aku.. But.. There's always an exception la kan.. I tend to be less pemurah with people yg stingy atau yang less giving but demanding. It's not the issue I expect something in return from them but, these people expect you to belanja them, layan diaorang with special treatments, expecting gifts on their bdays, yet they don't do that to others.. Selfish eyh. Another exception is, of course if something ttg sikap dia yg aku xsuka.. Definite no-no.
- Certain people tend to misunderstood about me. For example, I'm choosy about food. Actually, no. if I'm choosy I will not eat these kind of food, such as, "sayur nangka masak lemak, bendi, keladi masak asam, budu, petai, cencaluk, and the list goes on…". Cumanya normal lah kalau ad certain makanan yg aku xbrp gemar. We all do kan? I've never make it as an issue with others. I think it's normal if a particular person is not keen of terung for example. Why bother mine?
- People see me as a funny cheerful person. But actually I have my downside too.
- Aku sgt lemas org yang mengada2. Antara kata2 yang aku pegang which has been written in one of Dr Tuah's book is, "MANJA ITU MENGUNDANG SAYANG. MENGADA2 ITU MENGUNDANG BENCI". Sgt betul.
- Actually I have always wanted to become a graphic designer. Masa mula2 isi borang upu tu, graphic design was my first choice, second is photography xsilap. And law is like the 6th choice kot.. But I guess I screwed my interview for graphic course. Then I got Law. Starting from that, I've stopped drawing. Completely. And the worst part is, aku xpernah ada impian dah lepas tu since impian aku tak tercapai.
- I love HM Dr Tuah Iskandar! I love reading all of his motivational books. If he hand me a propose, I will definitely say yes! Hehe :) ( okay that's kinda overrated)
- I think I have a 'love hate' relationship with my sister.
That's all for now I guess.. :)
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