Penawan Kota.
Iklan program Halaqah dekat tv9 really caught my attention and never fails to give me goosebumps. It goes on something like this,
" Menurut firasat hamba, bukan Tuanku yang akan menawan Kota Constantinople. Tapi putera Tuanku, Muhammadd Al Fateh."
Setiap kali I come across, okay it's not a person to come across, i heard the ads, setiap kali tulah bulu roma aku naik. I can't even describes the feelings of it. It shivers down to my spine.
Setiap manusia ada different level of capabilities to keep their motivations at peak. Certain people can retain their motivations for a month, or even for a year, feeling serene and good the entire year. But the other half of the person can't even last their motivations even for 2 days. I fall into that second category. I need new, fresh motivations everyday because my life fills with different challenges, different events, different motives.
The only way I retain my self motivation is by reading motivational books by DR Hm Tuah Iskandar Al Haj and he's my favorites so far. The thing is reading books always boost my self esteem. I can locked myself for hours buried with books. Hence I enjoyed reading about sejarah Nabi dan para sahabat and reading it always makes me shed to tears. I was so moved with how they sacrifice their lifes, their wealth for the sake of syiar Islam. I'm also felt overwhelmed with the various obstacles that they have to faced everyday.
Dengan membaca tentang kisah2 sebegini, aku dapat semangat untuk teruskan hidup, untuk terus melangkah walau banyak masalah, banyak ujian yang sedang aku lalui. Aku sentiasa fikir, apa sangat lah masalah dan ujian yang aku terima sedangkan para Nabi dan para sahabat terpaksa berhadapan dgn ancaman maut setiap hari.
Sebab tulah bila aku dgr ads tv9 tu aku meremang.. It gives me courage. It gives me hope. It gives me ways that I've never think of. It gives me hopes that there's always a way out to every obstacles.
Sabda Rasulullah ketika menggali parit Khandaq, " Constantinople, (kini Istanbul) akan jatuh ke tangan tentera Islam. Raja nya adalah sebaik-baik raja, tentera nya adalah sebaik-sebaik tentera."
Let us bask with Para Nabi's and Sahabat's courage, wisdoms, and their struggle's to upholds Syiar Islam.
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