Significant other.

I'm not an expert in giving you advice how to maintain a good relationship with your partner; neither, my relationship is not that perfect either. Tapi.. satu je pesan aku, ni khas untuk orang perempuan, kalau kita betul dapat lelaki yang baik, dari nilai diri kita dia mmg baik, jgn sia2 kan. Sbb cliche nya, lelaki baik susah nak dapat. Bila dah dapat, sia2 kan pulak, tuhan tak bagi dah. Rationale paling mudah, segala perkara baik yang datang itu semua nikmat, xhargai, tuhan tarik balik nikmat tu.

Anyway, one thing you have to consider, makin lama relationship tu, sentiasa ada tendency untuk rasa bosan. Itu normal. It's not that we don't love our partner anymore, cuma perasaan ghairah (ghairah uh! ) well, not that kind of ghairah, meaning perasaan mula2 bcinta tu tak sama dah after 6 or 7 years later. So, as for me, instead of saying the usual I love you's statement, kita creative kan cket, for example, 

" Yang.. Can I keep you?"

Or you were in a fight, and your partner started to talk nonsense asking for break up, instead of saying the usual tagline, puitis cket, kasi sentap hati dia, for example,

" Our love is strong. Why carry on without me..?"

Again, if you and your partner were in a fight, he or she refuse to reply any of your calls nor msg, tell her/him this,

" I am in misery. There ain't nobody to comfort me. Why won't you answer me? Your silence is slowly killing me.."

What I'm trying to say is, relationship kalau xde sparks, makin lama makin pudar. Cinta kena sentiasa diperbaharui. Kalau tidak, ia mati. Ni aku cerita cinta terhadap manusia lah. Cinta terhadap Tuhan tu lain pulak caranya. Dan takde salahnya, kita orang perempuan, hantar msg dekat pasangan kita macam nie,

" You're such a pretty young thing. To me."

See what I mean? You don't get what I mean do you? Are you? Good. 


  1. i miss talking about everything with u. u're my love guru :') and sy pn kagum dgn relationship awak. mine is just 3 month old, tp kdg2 ade gak probnya. huhu

    ummu, i hope everything is ok there. rindu dgn tarian sotong & lawak awak :') take care!

    eh lagi 1, sy dh rare pkai no celcom tau. ni no digi sy, 016-6686954

  2. hi hi yang.. =)ape kabo? knp dh tak pakai no celcom tu? dg murah lg eh..?yele sejak2 bcinta ni yek tukar num baru..hehe miss u too.. =')

  3. terbaik la ummu..jadi doctor love jela pasni:D


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