Birthday party equals to family gathering.No?

Wan kata gini semalam, "eh you girls get ready. We're going out at three". "Where to Wan?" "keluar lah. asyik duk rumah je. Tak bkembang otak." haha absolutely stunning! (tetibe) Fair enough, we're going out and I hate getting ready. That's first. I don't feel like going. Second. I just wanted to stay behind. And that's third. Ting3! Score! (I have to second that tetibe)

The thing about going out which makes me reluctant which is more to i'm-not-going-cakap-laju-laju statement is because I hate the part of getting ready. Iron tudung. Find the right blouse. Checking whether my face looks like me or someone else instead, asking someone, "eh nayli is it this shoes or the other one?" and the answer usually against my wished, "that one!" haha. 

I hate getting ready because it will take me precisely 18 hours (18's my fav. number here people). I don't wear makeup, god no, but the thing that makes me take the whole time in the world to get ready is because.. I don't know. I guess women sometimes is hard to please. Okay taklah I was just kidding. Usually I will shuffle clothes that I choose. The first 18 hours I will choose the blue coloured blouse and the next thing you know, "kaklong you look like orang asli. Wear something else." Okay that org asli part I made them up but usually that sorts of comments that makes me feels like, "next!" hehe.

And aku dekat rumah wan so my stuffs takde sape yang akan sentuh because my cousins have their own. Tapi kalau dekat rumah, (10 siblings ye, so my stuff is your stuff and your stuff is my stuff policy applies here), it will definitely be like this, "oi! who takes my serkup??" the other voice at the end of the room said, "I don't know I didn't take it. Ask Alifah. I saw her wearing it yesterday." "Alifah where's my serkup? Amirah said you wore it yesterday?" "gee kaklong! I put it right where you are standing kaklong, on the desk." I replied, "Where? if it's here, it's here but it's gone already?!" She answered, "Well I don't know then." And I'll end up asking and bashing everybody with my kehilangan serkup.

Whoah wait! That's just the mukadimah. Usually if I feel want to go green, the clothes that I wished for usually it's not suppose where it should be. And I kept searching for it until... "Eh kaklong, kenapa lambat sangat siap? We're going already." "hah?? what? Jap3!! wait for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Yes people I end up going alone or I will force one of my siblings to wait for me. (Sib baik kenduri or whatever events dekat je) Okay fine I force rather than going alone. Kalau korang nak ke? Malu le anak dara lawa jalan sensorang pegi event mana2. Ish! (tampo orang sebelah) 

Belum cerita bab masuk bilik air lagi. Persoalan semua orang dalam rumah, what took Kaklong so long when taking a bath? Okay fine I'll tell. Aku gosok gigi lama. Serius lama. Ada la dalam 18 hari setengah gitu. Reason nye sbb aku pakai braces. It takes a lot of hardwork okay. Taklah bukan sbb braces sgt sbnrnya tapi bab gigi ni aku detail cket. Particular cket. Lama cket. Itu jer yang buat aku lama dalam bilik air. Okay la aku sental muka pun lama. (tak bagi chance langsung) haha.

And bila aku dah siap, contohnya lah aku siap awal cket dr orang lain, and I'm about to go nih, tetibe there's this voice that I really hate to hear.. "kaklong wait for me! I haven't take a bath yet. Please3 wait for me!" and I was like................. 


That is why, listen here people, I hate going out. End of discussion. Gee I thought I want to end my entry here, sbb mcm cool la kan ada statement dkt atas tu tapi I haven't tell you guys about where we are going at 3 pm lagi.. :( Okay to cut it short we were going to Paklong Ipin's house anak dia punya birthday. (more like a doesn't-look-like-a-birthday-party-to-me-la-Nayli kind of type sbb ramai warga emas instead of kids. (pfft! Nevermind that, what is wrong with you?!). Makanan banyak gila, but I enjoyed barbecue rather than anything else, (kalau ada barbecue lah,kalau xde usohle byk cerita). Tapi makan jgk mee sup. Tok Cik Wahid punya catering yang handle makanan. Oh bestnye. Then Tok Andak and family pun ada. Enjoying some good talk with Kak Sarah. She was really nice. I like her.. =)

Anyway here's a few pic yang tak berapa nak America's next top model..

                          Yang aku asyik sebut Nayli2 tu, yang tudung putih tulah orangnya.

                                                                       Nayli Batrisyia

                                                                          Husna Dahlia

Left: Wan Andak Right: My Grand ma, Wan =)

Talk about classic here :)

Syamel Wahiddin

Nurin Sofi

 Dah penat senyum pn xberapa nak ikhlas

Haa.. that's about it. Xlarat nak upload gambar dah. ( I didn't know buat blog ni could be this tiring). Anyway everybody is happy, balik rumah smbg makan lagi,tgk cj7 dkt tv3, dah habis cerita solat pastu tido. Bye!

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